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Force 5
Marine Survey Report Software

Version 6.71b



Note: Win95 Users No Long File Names Supported In This Version. You must use a DOS file name in the "New Survey Screen" under the field name of "File Name:". DOS file names have no more than 8 Characters before the period or "dot", then we supply the three characters after the dot of "svy" or you can type all 12 (including the dot) characters in the file name yourself e.g. ( bigboat2.svy or boat2.svy ). If you don't want to type in the dot and the tag name of "svy" then just type up to B characters for the first name and leave it at that. Use the note field below in the "New Survey Screen" to describe the survey assignment for later reference.


You can now edit the heading descriptions of all headers in the report that you can type data under level IV items, i.e. pneumonic HCT [TYPE] can be edited or renamed to read say, [HULL TYPE] or whatever you would like to use for a description. In order to change the name of a description first "Select" the Heading that you would like to change by clicking on it in the Heading Window. Next either click on the "Hand with a Page" Icon or what is called in Fly Out Help as the, Customize Heading Icon, It's next to the Light Bulb Icon. Type in the new description and then Click OK. That is all there is to it. The heading description is changed for that survey and that survey only.


Now there is an option to add up to 10 more user define type "Headings" to a section or subsection. To do this; First select the section that you want to add to in the "Heading Window". Then click on the "Rename/Reorder Icon" (the one just under NA section). Click on the add button and scroll to the bottom of the window. You can now rename the added Heading Items by clicking on the Edit button or you can rename them latter from the Heading Window by clicking on the "Customize Heading Icon" the one next to the "Light Bulb" Icon.


There is now two "user define" Heading Items in each section or sub-section at the near end of these sections you will see a code with the last three digits of UDI AND UD2 example in the hull construction section the two user definable Ule headers have a code of "HCUD1 & HCUD2" respectively. These headers can be named anything that the program user would like by clicking on the header item in the "Heading Window" and then on the hand with paper icon to the right of the light bulb or "Findings" icon the dialog box will walk you through the naming of the heading item. This can be changed and customized over and over again from survey report to survey report if you wish.

********New version 6.72X


There is now two "user define" Heading Items in each section or sub-section at the near end of these sections you will see a code with the last three digits of UDI AND UD2 example in the hull construction section the two user definable headers have a code of "HCUD1 & HCUD2" respectively. These headers can be named anything that the program user would like by clicking on the header item in the "Heading Window" and then on the hand with paper icon to the right of the light bulb or "Findings" icon the dialog box will walk you through the naming of the heading item. This can be changed and customized over and over again from survey report to survey report if you wish....


The Heading Item IN1W formally known as "Introduction Page One Words" is Now user definable and has a default heading name of "Scope of Survey" this header does not have the UDI or 2 designation but due to popular request we made it User Definable anyway. When this Heading Item is highlighted you will notice that the modifier header icon the hand with page is not grayed Out and can be used to edit the Heading Item. ~** Tip this can now be used to sub-title the Introduction section as you see fit. A couple of suggestions from our more seasoned users are; Use it to differentiate an "Addendum" or "Appraisal" etc.


Another powerful feature added to V6.7 is the flexibility to be able to re-order the headings in a sub-section i.e. the sub-section of Deck Fittings, all the items below the pneumonic of DF from DFT through to DFN Note, can be reordered. From either the pull down menu of [Options] choose Reorder Layout or click on the "Rename/Reorder Icon" (the one just under NA section). When the control box opens Highlight (select) your choice and click the up or down Arrows to move it to your preferred position.


Hide-delete and Heading Item for any section or subsection in order to not have to deal with more items than you need in a template or a survey. This is different from NA in as much as when you NA you don't remove the item from the heading window just from the printed survey report. This is best used with caution and only really makes a difference when you are saving the survey as a Template and re-using the format(see templates below). Go to the section in the "Heading Window" that you want to hide an item in. From either the pull down menu of [Options] choose Reorder Layout or click on the "Rename/Reorder Icon"(the one just under NA section). When the control box opens Highlight (select) your choice and click the Hide Unwanted Item check box. The Item will turn red to indicate that it is hidden. To unhide select it and then click the check box and that will remove the check and the item will unhide.


If you have hidden all the Heading Items in a section then you cannot select that section in the Heading Window because there are no Items there for it to stop on and select. So to resurrect any or all of the Items you must go to the options pull down menu, and select "Un-hide sub-section heading items". Find the section that you want to unhide items in and click on "OK" to unhide select the item and click on the Hide Unwanted Items check box. The Item will change color from red to black and be un-hidden. Repeat steps above for all items that you want to unhide.

[TABLES] 11/24/97

Tables have returned to Force5 with a vengeance. The version 6 on up has previously had the table feature disabled but now back by popular demand, and better (than version 3) than ever. You can now put a table under any heading in the system section of the report. The rules are that you can only have a table with the associated table text in an Edit Window all by itself not with any associated text outside the table. But this does not have much of a limitation since you can use separate heading items either above or below the table item for table explanations, footers or notes. To change a Heading Item into a Table Item, select the heading item you would like to convert and then click on the Rename/Reorder Icon (the one just under NA section). When the control box opens Highlight (select) your choice and click the "Make item a Table" this will put a check in the box and will turn the selection green. Click OK and that will take you back to Heading and Edit Windows and you will see an outline of a 4 column and 4 row table outline in the Heading Window. To configure the table, click on the table Outline Button next to the Re-name/Re-order Button just under the NA Item button...Experiment with these settings and test print your table with the print preview feature in the printer dialog box. These settings control how many columns and rows in the table, and whether or not to -it the ccli box outline or not. Some other features that you should know is that you can stretch a cell or shorten a cell only when the Fix Row or Fix Column is selected. Big Tip: If you have typed more text in a cell than can be displayed in it's current size you will need to select Fix Row (only select the ROW) and then click OK. Back in the Edit Window you can move your cursor over the cell border that you want to resize and click and drag it until the size looks right and the text is displayed ( hint leave a little more room than it looks like you need then Print Preview to check your results before printing to paper).

To move from cell to cell you must click into your desired cell or use your arrow keys (up,down,right or left). Play with these table features a little, and use the Print Preview to evaluate their effects before making a table for real. The tables are not perfect as far as WYSIWYG in the edit window but what you see the Print Preview is how it will print on paper. We hope this feature is useful to those of you who have asked for it. You can save your tables as Item Choices by clicking the add to

[FAUX "EMPLATES] 11/24/97

The Pre-purchase template is the default template and is the only one available in the basic version unless you purchased others specifically Re-insurance and Commercial/Commercial Fish templates available.

*You can now make a templates and re-use them over and over again. A template is a Survey File not filled in or completed for any particular client. So to create a template just start a File New and fill in the fields with something that reminds you of what the template is, or represents i.e. Fill in the File New form something like this; The important field is the File Name field. Vessel Name Blackfin "Template" Vessel Description 30' Blackfin Flybridge Cruiser "Template" File Name=tmpblkfin.svy The example above is mainly to help remind you that you are working on a "Template" and not a regular survey. If you start all your templates with the "tmp" designations they will all show up together in the File Open dialog box That brings us to the next big step in saving a survey file as a template. There is a little used (1 suspect) feature in the File New dialog box called "Notes" and when used correctly can take the guess work out of the file name of your template or Survey File, so you should to fill this unlimited for all practical purposes) text field in with all the stuff you want to know about the template (or survey file) you are making. So when you click on it in the file open box you will see the description that you wrote displayed in the description field and be able to tell if it is what you are looking for before you open the file. Neat huh! Next big thing to remember is once the template is saved and you are going to need to use it for a survey, you Open it from the file list, Do Not create a new survey file from File New. When your template is open it will most likely stop at VN vessel name and show it is a Blackfin "Template" if not go to VN by searching with the Flashlight Icon or use the Graphic Search Icon, any way get to VN "Vessel Name". NOW the big thing is Do NOT change anything while this is still in template form. Immediately click on the pull dowh menu of File, and then Click on "File Save As" and change the name from "tmpblkfin.svy" to what ever 8 character name you want for this new survey file, then Change The Note Field to reflect the information that you want to know about this survey so it will be easy to find in the File Open dialog box if you have to look for it when it is finished or open it again before it is. Once you have saved as you will notice that the name in the top banner of the Force5 program window has changed to the name that you have given to the new survey. Your original template is unchanged and you are now working on a copy of it with a new file name. (Magic)

Now just put in the real Vessel Name and change the Vessel Description etc. and your on you way to completing a survey using your custom template format. (Congrats) Last suggestion, put in your own name in the Prepared For field under file open so it reminds you to put in your clients name or write in Put Client Here instead whatever it takes to get you to remember to fill in the auto-fill Headings from normally filled in from the File New dialog box.


The buttons in the printing dialog box (the box that comes up when you select any type of printing) are just a little easier to use and we think that they are self-explanatory. The main reason to mention them is that while reading other descriptions in the manual and this document you could get confused by the description ~the print PREVIEW box which is now a button. Huh? Well you will see what I mean when you start ~ the program, just ignore the descriptions of a print preview box if you have a print preview button under your print button. The whole point is that it is easier and faster now.


In the print dialog box (the box that comes up when you select any type of printing) toward the bottom of The box is a check box that is entitled Enhanced Page Numbering. If you put a check the box the page numbering format will go from a single page number to a format like this Page 6 of 25 etc. You may print to PRINT PREVIEW FIRST before printing this to paper. The reason is that the program must actually print the entire report (all done in the background by Force 5 using the print preview) before it knows how many pages there will be in the report. Then the program goes back and renumbers them correctly.

This process takes anywhere from a few seconds to a minute longer than the old single number process does, so we made it an option. On slower computers 386s or 486s, or even Pentiums with only 8 MB of ram, you may want to print without the option checked and only check it when printing final reports. You are just printing a draft copy to screen or paper


New inkjet printers in Windows95 have sometimes been cutting off part of the footer of the report, that is only part of the top half of the line is showing e.g. "Fearless" surveyed by Ted Stevens Jensen Beach FL would be missing the bottom half of the characters. If you experienced this with your ink jet printer (mostly H.P. models) then use the new Paper Adjustment under the Tools pull down menu to increase the bottom margin. We have run tests and a number like 10 or 15 will usually take care of half line problem but you can go U high as you need to, 600 for instance will move the bottom margin up about 3". You can NOT use print preview to seethe cut off of text in the footer, since the inkjet drivers are giving us a fulse figure ~r printing apace, our print preview is fooled into thinking you have the necessary space and will not allow you the cut off area. You must print out a page or two in order to get it right.

NOTE: Always use the latest Windows95 print drivers for your printer, some are shipped with the printers olliws are on the manufacturers website. This adjustment has not been necessary for customers with laser print~ Tip: There is a service pack from Microsoft for Windows95 it resolves a lot of quirky behavior in Windows get it off their website or call them if you experience erratic behavior with networking or printing issues. New computers with Windows95 (last few months) have a new updated version we call OEM Release 2, if you have this release you should not use the Service Pack.


We were at IBEX 97 and heard that a lecture given on survey reports by a speaker at CIGNA, said (and I believe rightfully so,) that two things that were especially aggravating to this underwriter were 1, The abuse of the word APPEARS, and that under the surveyor certification section of most reports there is a signore line usually titled, "Attending Surveyor" and that the signature is unreadable and there is no typed name underneath the line, making it impossible to verify the reports author. We can't do much about the over or inappropriate use of the word" Appears" but we have had a feature in version 6xx that will allow you to have a printed name below the signature line for Attending Surveyor, (pneumonic VAS).


To do this for one attending surveyor, type in the edit window the following; [I+Surveyor's Name Here] I don't type the brackets, for two attending surveyor lines type this; [2+Primary Surveyors Name + Secondary Surveyors Name] then save these as item choices and delete any unnecessary item choices. Use the new print preview to verify the printing of the names as you experiment with this feature.


The print preview feature can be accessed from any printing dialog box. Meaning push the print button of your choice i.e. normal, condensed, or surveyor's notes and even outline. The Print Preview button is just under the "Print" button marked Preview. You may select your printer in setup, or your pages or sections prior to printing your selections will be applied to the report printing to the screen or paper. OK so be good save paper and play with the zoom in and out features as well as printing ranges and individual pages out of sequence. Or use it to see what you're going to fax. Whatever we hope you like it and it saves you time and money ~

NOTE: on printing with HP Ink Jets.

Hewlett Packard ink jet printers have been notorious for causing problems with margin settings. The real problem seems to be that they use huge rollers to move the paper through the printer and leave an extra wide area at the bottom of the paper that is not printable. So to remedy this in Force5 use the Tools pull. down menu and select Paper Adjustment to increase the Bottom Margin enter a positive number like 15 then try printing, increase the number until the footer prints correctly. Don't forget to check the box that says Use This setting. Another problem that has come up is that people do not have the correct printer driver for their old HP ink jets now that they are using Win95, so call HP or get on the Web and get the updated printer driver for your printer for Win95 use.


This feature is used to navigate around from section or subsection and heading item graphically and without having to know the pneumonic or use the next and previous section buttons. When you click the button between the top and bottom group on the left side of the edit window, the information window and the heading window turn into a (file manager type) graphic tree of the sections and subsections in the program. A double click with your left mouse button will expand any folder icon to reveal either another folder or a page icon meaning the last and lowest item on the scale has been reached. To collapse the folders go to the folder at the highest level you wish to collapse and double left click and it will collapse or single right mouse click and it will collapse to the highest level of the section that you are in. Play with it, toggle it on and off by clicking the button. We hope this will be useful and again "what saves you time makes you money.


To search through the survey to a particular Header Item in the Heading Window set your search options under the OPTIONS menu, Search to Heading Window Only and Match first Characters. Click the Search quick Icon and type the three or four digit code (in upper case all CAPS ) closest to the Header Item listed in the included printed Outline. This is very useful when editing from a draft copy of your survey report since you can not go by page numbers. Note: When going back and editing if you only change a word or two you probably will only have to reprint that page number. (Use the FROM TO boxes in the printing dialogue box). If you add or subtract significant amounts of text you should reprint from that page to the end of the report to insure proper page numbering. Topic continued on next page.


The Search Button or (CTRL & F keys) is used to navigate quickly to parts of the program or search for specific text in the windows. It has drop down box feature and will display your last most recently search codes. Clicking the code will put it in the search box again and enter or the OK button will take you to that Heading or text. The last code that you used is at the top of the list, so jumping back and forth is easy...


New tip: from a customer he prints out an outline and uses a micro-cassette recorder on the boat. To accomplish this transition from tape to the report he records the ITEM pneumonic (code) first and in Hull Construction Type the pneumonic is HCT so he first looks up the ITEM in the outline list and records HCT then records what he wants about that item. The transcribe listening to the tape clicks on search and types in HCT (the program jumps to HCT hull construction type) and then enters the text description from tape. if you use a tape and you do your own transcriptions for a while you will soon be saving ITEM choices that are mostly prewritten and that will save you even more time. Hey thanks for the tip Peter.


This is really for those (lucky ones) of you who hire someone that can really type or maybe you just hate reaching for the mouse every other minute or two. Any way while editing in the edit window if you hold down the Ctrl key and touch the enter key, the data in the edit window is used and the program moves to the next item. Cool huh! Well we didn't stop there if you Ctrl and the number of the Item choice you want it will bring that item choice into the edit window. WOW ! Now if you want to NA yes you guessed it Ctrl key + the zero number key and it will NA the header item and move on to the next one. Combine these with the Tab key and shift Tab key features in the Readme Text file and you can see that the keyboard can still be king. I sent to you a printed version of the README.DOC file or you can read it on screen by going to Tools and choosing Read Me selection at the bottom. You could also go to File Manager or Explore and find the file and print it.


When entering data in the EDIT WINDOW and going from the edit window to the HEADING WINDOW clicking can become a waste of time for some of your more fluid typists, (a member of this elite group I am not). So there is a little trick that we have incorporated into the program, Click on the HEADING ITEM that you want to address, the press the TAB key and you will see your blinking cursor appear in the EDIT WINDOW type in your text and then hold the SHIFT key down and TAB once and you will be back at the highlighted ITEM HEADING (trust me your there). Next use your down arrow key and that will take you to the next HEADING ITEM, use your TAB key again and you will be in the EDIT WINDOW again. These shift-tab and tab functions are straight Windows editing conventions, but it does make it a little smoother for you "mouse hating" typists. To make it a little more interesting you can also TAB from the edit window to ITEM CHOICE WINDOW and use your arrow keys to choice an item choice and then use the enter key and shift tab again to go back to the edit window. The rule is TAB to go ahead and SHIFT TAB to go back again. Try it you might like it.


Item Choices can now be reordered in the list by dragging and dropping them to the desired line.

NOTE: Item Choice editing pertaining to reordering is only an option in the main systems section Although you can still edit and save Rem Choices in the Findings and Recommendations section these Items can not be reordered by the drag and drop method. And since Findings are Item specific only and Recommendations have a pool of about 15 global recommendations except for what you add, this should not pose much of a problem or inconvenience.


You can now select and setup your printer in the print utility box under printer setup. You can print sections of the report separately now for those of you who need to FAX their report from a FAX/MODEM this may be very useful.


The condensed report printing is available for any survey report produced in V. 6x it just prints in a smaller font and formats the page differently. It currently can save about 30% on the number of pages over the regular report printing. And we are told it is a good style for reinsurance or C&V type reports.


When you start to print your survey report, a notice will usually come up and tell you that you have so many blank items (these are items in the survey report that you did not edit or change or mark as NA). Go to Next and Previous Blanks buttons) Go though the survey by pressing the blank arrow buttons, and address each item by either entering data if necessary or NA the item with the NA item button. Once edited or marked NA it will not be counted as BLANK. Use the buttons to go to previous and next blanks until the program says that there are none found. The important thing here is you have checked your survey for accidentally missed or unmarked items, and corrected them before printing.


Printing "Photo Pages" may be done from the File/Print pull down menus only. You can print the number of Photo pages and the starting page numbers using the dialog box presented when you choose print for the File pull down menu then choose Photo Page option.


To spell check the entire document instead of "Edit Window" only, use the Check Entire document under the [Tools] Spell Check pull down menu.

The spell checking program has a user dictionary file that allows you to save your special marine terms and company names or whatever you don't want it to try and correct each time you spell check. We have included a file that gives a head start on that and will simpli~ your spell checking significantly. Check the manual for operation of the spell checker.


The Window banner the gray bar at the top of Edit Window or Default Window will turn red edit windows when there is an empty line or more specific a carriage return (enter key) by itself followed by no text. This is usually caused by typing text into an Edit Window and at the end of a block of text you hit the enter key, and the cursor changes lines and you don't type anymore text but go on to the next heading Item. A blank line or several, will print as extra white space in the body of the report. To remove an unwanted blank line, click into the edit window and backspace it to the top right end of the line above. The red line will disappear Note. a red banner on the THAW & THBW in the Thru-Hull section is OK and you don't have to delete it.

**Tip** If the program ever prints a blank page with no text just the footer and page number make sure you go to the last item addressed on the previous page and make sure that you do not have a Red Window Banner. Putting a carriage return (hitting the enter key) will not leave a visible mark on the page but will let the program think it must move that hidden mark to the next page none the less. Back space out all unwanted characters to the end of the visible text and you should not have unwanted lines, spaces or blank pages.


Right clicking on the icons will turn on or on the hint bar help boxes that appear when you move your mouse over an Icon or button. Of course you can turn on and off the Hint Bars by pulling down the Options button and clicking on the Show Hints or by using the F7 key on your keyboard. All these methods are just toggle switches to turn the feature on or off


Findings and Recommendations are only allowable in the System Section III and you must enter and edit them at the heading item that they apply to, NOT at the Finding and Recommendation sections. The Findings and Recommendations section is available to allow you to change the heading item and to view all of the Findings and Recommendations that you have accumulated in the report by category i.e. *A *B or *C. The Tabs have the Heading code on the tab and if you click the tab it will display the associated Finding and Recommendation text. if you wish to edit the text you must either Shift click the left mouse button over the tab you want to edit or click once with the right mouse button over the tab. This will take you back to the Heading Item edit window so you can edit or remove the Finding or Recommendations Item. All the same editing features are available in the edit windows of Findings and Recommendations as in the main text Edit Window, i.e. spell checking, cut, copy, past etc.

[NOTE:] To enter findings and recommendations at a heading item there must be at least one character of text or a space in the main Edit Window. The Findings button (the Light Bulb Icon) will then be enabled (not grayed out anymore) and useable. Multiple findings and Recommendations are allowed in this version of Force 5. No editing of Findings and Recommendations at the Heading code of FRA, FRB or FRC but ctrl left click or single right click on the tab and it will jump to the heading code that you want to edit then use the search button to get back.



As a small software company trying to keep the purchase price of our program as low as possible, we have made policy decisions regarding phone support for our Force5 customers. In short, you pay for the phone call and we will not charge for tech support or computer consultation. During the hours of 8 AM and 6 PM we will be tough to reach directly by voice. You may either reach us or more than likely our voice mail service at the bold number below. if you get the voice mail service please leave a brief description of your problem and your phone number, someone will call you back collect as soon as possible. Our experience has been that with the current manual and given the stability of the Force5 program that we have not had to spend much time with customers on tech support issues, mainly report customization questions and hardware upgrade or configuration advice make up the bulk of our customers calls.

Whatever your questions, if you are willing to pay for the call, we will try and help you as much as possible. if you do have a problem with Force 5 and you need to solve it ASAP please read and try the things in the list below first.

** Please before you call ! Read all the information in this document.

1. Read the manual to try and resolve your problem.

2. Create a test survey and see if your problem persists.

3. Try and repeat the problem consistently, then document the steps to doing that.

4. Experiment with one of the two sample survey files that the program installs. They are named     COOK.SVY KELLYBEL.SVY. Print one, or both out.

5. Is this a Force 5 issue, or a Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 issue? if it is not a problem with force 5 then read your Windows documentation or try and call Microsoft. For example if your printer won't print anything from Windows notepad or from DOS it is more than likely a printer setup problem or a Windows problem not Force 5.

6. Call this phone number (772) 334.8555. If you don't get a live body, please leave a brief message at (772) 229.8691 describing the problem, and a telephone number and time, we will call you back collect. When you leave a message on our voice mail we get beeped on our pagers so we know a message is in the box. We will act on it as soon as we can. If your call is not urgent please say so in the message and we will prioritize and respond in a timely manner. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.




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 For More information Please call: 772.334.8555